Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I ended up cooking her,' chef said of his dead wife

A Southern California chef accused of killing his wife, whose body has never been found, told detectives that he slowly cooked his her for four days in a 55-gallon drum, boiling her body in water and discarding her remains in his restaurant's grease pit, according to a taped confession played Tuesday in court.

Viens explained how she was badgering him and he accidently killed her.

 "I obviously can't bring her back to life," Viens told detectives. "And ... but what can I do? What can I do? What can I do? And that's when I came up with the idea of cleaning the grease traps and commingling in the excess protein in those units. If you ever really looked at that, you would see where we mix up real good."

"I cooked her four days," he said. "I let her cool. I strained it out."

Get the whole story here.

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