Monday, August 27, 2012

Produce Market Update

August 22nd, 2012

New crop Idaho quality is looking good at this point! No shortage of any size profiles reported either. Market continues to slip slightly as the vendors try to find the right trading levels. Prices look to be soft in the coming weeks. In Wisconsin Russets are moving well but with a lot of growers getting started this week there is a lot of product available so pricing there is also on the soft side. Reds have finally stabilized with a few growers finishing this week. Be cautious of some crops in Minnesota, there seems to be quality issues in some crops on Reds Colorado is geared up for what looks to be a big crop so that will put further pressure on the russet market in the next few weeks. With all of these large crops coming in at multiple sates we should have a low and stable market for the next few weeks.

This market was expected to get stronger, coat tailing off of the romaine market, but pricing has not gone upward like expected. Demand is very light right now, preventing a market increase. Santa Maria continues to have production. Good strong weights are being reported from all the growing areas. Weights are reported to be 42-45 pounds. Pink ribbing and decay issues have been minimal.

Romaine has firmed up with many suppliers. The leaf market is steady. There are issues of bugs on the romaine so please be aware. A few suppliers have reported this. Romaine hearts continue to have issues of fringe and tip burn. Carton romaine has had the same issues. Multiple shippers have reported this. Romaine continues to command a higher price than green and red leaf as well as butter.

Onion outlook is good, as the market is weakening. This is due to anticipation from Idaho and Onion harvest in the Northwest being in full-swing, and yellow onion availability and quality is improving daily out of Idaho/Oregon.  Red Onion supplies are still very tight, and the market is very indicative of it. Red onion supplies will improve over the next two weeks when Washington State begins new crop production, and Oregon volume increases. New Mexico has pulled the plug, finished for the season. California production is winding down. Expect most CA onion production to wrap up by the first week of September.

California has control of the markets right now. The heat and the rain have produced havoc on the eastern crops. Harvesting the fall crop off the VA eastern shore sometime after labor-day but volumes will be dramatically down due to the lack of blooms resulting from the excessive July heat.  Supplies are down but so is demand nationwide. Romas continue to be sourced primarily from Mexico. There are some local vine ripes with varying quality levels. The grape tomato market continues to be very active with product being sourced from SC, VA, and CA.
Vegetables & Value Added Produce

There are no major changes here in the market on cucumbers. In the west there are some issues with the warm weather effecting crops and this has lead to fancy fruit being tight in the market. Cucumbers are still being harvested in several states on the east (New Jersey, New York, Michigan).

The market is steady. For the most part choice fruit is readily available. There have been some issues with quality. 

In the west the peppers are being negatively affected by the extreme heat. On the East there is plenty of supplies on the market but there are some quality issues due to the rains.

In the west the market is trending up on both Italian and Yellow Squash.   Weather has impacted both varieties, especially yellow.  Yellow squash has wide range of quality.
Eastern Markets:   This market is showing a small sign of increased strength as schools convene. Look for prices to creep up gradually in the coming weeks.Overall, Scarring and discoloration is a concern on yellow squash throughout the country.  Zucchini has good quality and is more readily available.

The market is steady. The larger sizes continue to be in light supply and are commanding a higher price. Light brown spotting continues to be seen sporadically upon arrivals, so please be aware. Most shippers continue to deal with this issue. Supplies are expected to steady throughout the week.

California carrot supplies continue to remain good.  With steady warm weather, sizing of carrots are looking good and demand is firming the market.

This market is firm to start the week. Supplies are coming out of Mexico with most suppliers. The quality continues to have a few issues with decay upon arrival. Pencil sizing will have the best availability. 

Supplies from Mexico are increasing but still light compared to market demand. We are also experience the same issues with the Peruvian supplies. Jumbo asparagus continues to be the lightest size for availability.

Demand is still good and supplies are moderate to good. Prices continue to increase as quality decreases and demand is not fully met.  Reports from the fields are that the fruit is smaller with bruising and light decay. Most products in the condition will not make the full trip to the East.

The market is tight on both of these berries. There just are not enough products to fill the demand leading to higher prices.
Product is still coming out of Michigan and the Northwest. The market is still firm from last week. And the quality fair because of issues with rain and high heat.

Now is a great time to buy grapes. The market steady with lots of product available on all colors. We are seeing great quality with high sugar content and we expect this to continue through November. This is expected to be one of the best years for grapes in a while.

California stone fruit season is still going strong with many varieties on the market. Peach, plums and nectarines are currently available in good volume and various sizes.

After the hail and late freeze in the spring we know that it’s not going to be a good year for apples. Consumers should expect higher prices for the year because the volume will not be there compared to previous years. We are still waiting to hear what the crop estimates will be but we do know that Michigan will only harvest 10% of normal volume and New York about 50-70%. Washington has started harvesting a few varieties.   

Pear harvesting has begun but the product on the market is still is very minimal with D‘Anjou pears have finished and Washington Bartlett’s have just started up.  We will have new crop Starkcrimsons in the next week.  As August goes on more crops will be on the market and the prices will decrease slightly. 

California avocadoes will be on the market longer then originally thought because the crop is a bigger and better one then first estimates. We are now estimating that California Hass will be available through October. Various the sizes on the crop are available, from 32’s to 84’s and we are expecting pricing looks to be stable during August. Mexico has finished with their old crop and now moves into their Flor Loca crop. Quality on the Mexican fruit is not as good as the California fruit because it is early in the season, so the fruit is going to take longer to ripen. It terms of sizing that crop is abundant with 48’s and 60’s. We will not see fruit from Chile until September because that crop is low in volume.

The market is increasing especially on the smaller fruit 113 and 138. We are expecting to see prices increase overall but especially on those sizes for the next few weeks. We are still in Valencia’s but will start Navels in early November. We are hearing from some growers that there may be a gap of availability on the smaller fruit until the Navels are in full swing.   

The market steady with good supplies of fruit.  California is harvesting from district 2 and about to begun district 3. In addition to that there is also Chilean and Mexican fruit around which will help the market prices drop. There was some concern that the trees in district 3 were damaged by the freeze last year but we are expecting district 3 to have good quantity and quality this season and no permanent damage occurred.
The market has tightened and prices have increased because the suppliers are short. This is mainly from lack of harvesting from rain and the hurricane. We expect over the next couple of weeks the market will level out and the volume of limes on the market will increase. However, there was some bloom drop in some crops in Mexico and this can lead to a shortage in a month or so. The damage from the heat has not been full assessed.

The market has increased to strong due to a lack of product compared to the demand. The lack of volume stems from the heat. We are expecting the supply to get caught up with the demand by next week. The quality is good and like honeydews good supplies of melons through mid October from the Westside.

The market is steady to fair. We are expecting to see good supplies out of the Westside until October then the growing region will transition to the desert. The crop that is on the market now is a larger one, peaking at jumbo 5’s.   The quality is good.

Markets are flat.  Demand has lessened on seedless watermelon.  Production is steady and the product is sweeter due to the hot weather!

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