Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fresh From The Farm Produce Market Update

August 8th, 2012
The potato market continues to tumble, fueled by surpluses as storage crop and new crop overlap. Overall production is up 7.8-percent versus one year ago. Fall crop production is shaping up to be the largest since fall 2000. The potato market is unstable on smaller sizes but stable on larger sizes. New crop Idaho potatoes are available in a wide range of sizes.  Prices are steady for the Idaho new crop potatoes, and Idaho Russet Burbank potatoes are very limited and so prices are higher, as a result most shippers have already begun shipping Russet Norkotah potatoes. All major shipping regions (WA, CA, MN, ND, WI) have new crop red potatoes available, with Delaware and Texas shipping through August. New crop white potatoes have excellent quality, but very slow demand and low pricing.  New crop yellow potatoes are available out of every major shipping area and continue to follow the same downward pricing trend as other varieties. Quality is excellent! (See last page for new crop photos)

Iceberg lettuce supplies are normal and demand is good. Market is steady and weights are normal industry wide. Field inspectors are seeing some light weights and a few issues with misshaped heads but most suppliers are able to meet the CVF specs. Overall quality is good and good supplies are coming out of Salinas.

Romaine and leaf items are in good supply and market is steady but we are expecting to see an increase in price because of rain in Mexico and excess heat in Michigan and Canada. When these markets can’t produce the supplies needed demand is shifted to the west putting extra pressure on that market, which leads to higher prices. Overall quality is good, there are a few random issues put product is dark green, and weights coming in around 36 pounds.

The new Idaho onion harvest has started and looks to be a good crop. Farmers did plant less this year versus last year but prices should be stable throughout the year. The medium yellow onion market is beginning to soften as more growing regions are starting their harvests. In addition to Idaho Washington, Oregon and Michigan growers are beginning to ship product. New Mexico is finished with its harvest but California is still going strong with very good quality product available. The jumbo yellow onion market remains strong, due to good demand and shorter supplies but this should change in the next few weeks. Red and white onion prices are climbing on all sizes.  Supplies on red onions are tight, and good quality white onions are becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Medium white onions and jumbo reds are especially limited at the moment.

Overall we can expect to see prices increase because of demand in the east that is not being filled, this is increasing demand on the west; also the weather issues are only adding to the already stressed markets. It is normal for California to have a downward turn in supplies this time of the year. Normally this isn’t an issue because the Midwest and southeast are in full product but this year they don’t have the supplies to fill the demand.  NC and Tennessee continues to struggle with its tomato crop now because of excess rain that has hit the state. With the rain and the excess heat they experienced earlier is leading to issues with shelf life and general quality issues. Virginia is now in the process of planting for its September harvest and will have a steady supply of cherry and grape tomatoes until October. Mexico is running short on Roma tomatoes and this is causing pricing to increase. Vine ripe, cherry, and grape tomatoes are still crossing over and we can expect that until October.

Vegetables & Value Added Produce
Western Markets:  Warm weather is affecting Production.  The Market is slightly trending up.  Fancy fruit is in light supply.
Eastern Markets: New Jersey and Michigan supplies continue to increase with quality being excellent.  However, the market has been low over last few days and will continue so until end-of-week.

Western Markets: Market is trending up slightly. Light supplies on large and fancy fruit.  Most availability is on choice fruit. Demand outpacing supply.
Eastern Markets:  Quality has been fair.  Volume has increased significantly on Michigan eggplant; bringing the market down to more reasonable levels.

Western Markets: Demand is steady.  The Green bell market is expected to trend up.  Availability on Green bells is good.  As grows come off production, Colored Red bells will start to trend up slightly over the coming weeks.
Eastern Markets: Overall quality has been good on all peppers. Off grade peppers are now readily available.  With plenty volume coming out of the Northeast and Carolinas, and Michigan now working its own peppers, the market has softened a bit.

Western Markets:  Market is trending up on both Italian and Yellow Squash.   As a result of low markets and poor quality, reduction in production is being implemented by some growers.  Weather has impacted both varieties, especially yellow.  Yellow squash has wide range of quality. 
Eastern Markets:   Michigan, Ohio and New Jersey are all into decent volume on squash.   The weather has been warmer than average and that means plentiful supplies on both colors. The market remains steady on yellow with there being more flexed in the green. Quality is excellent.

This market is steady to start the week.  The larger sizes overall are lighter in availability and commanding a higher price.  Light brown spotting continues to be seen sporadically upon arrivals, so please be aware.   Supplies are expected to pick up by the end of the week.

California carrot supplies remain good.  With steady warm weather, sizing of carrots are looking good and demand is firming the market.  

The market is steady for now.  Large sizing continues to have the best availability, with small sizing still being on the light side.  The option for Salinas and Santa Maria are the two regions to choose from when loading out of California.

This market continues on a steady path.  Supplies are coming out of Mexico with most suppliers.  The quality continues to have a few issues with decay upon arrival. 

The market on Mexican is very active on all sizes and supplies continue to be light at best.  Peruvian product continues to be very light in supply as well.  There continues to be no twenty-eight (28) pound cases being packed by any supplier, only eleven (11) pounders. Jumbo size continues to be the lightest size for availability.

Very good demand with lightening supplies has the potential to make this market active. The salinas/Watsonville growing areas are past their peak and this is showing in the quality as we are seeing full color and heavy bruising upon arrival.  Nobody is making CVF label at this time.  Fruit size is medium running in the 16 count to 22 count range with full color fruit.  Santa Maria has hit and miss quality depending on shipper with size being medium to small.

Watsonville has peaked and demand exceeds supplies at this time.  Look for the market to be tight for the next few weeks.  Quality is reported as fair.

This market is still tight, but supplies have finally caught up with demand.  If this continues we could see a weakening of the market in weeks to come.

Michigan continues to pack, but as before, supplies continue to run light due to the early season weather issues.  Good volume is coming out of the Northwest, but they are experiencing high temperatures which are impacting quality.  Look for the market to be firm and quality to be fair.

Market steady as the valley is going in good volume on all colors. The overall quality is excellent with good sugar (19-20 Brix) and some very good color on the reds. We expect the quality to remain excellent throughout the season as the fruit and vines are very strong. This is an excellent time to promote as the fruit is very nice and eating great. Expect good supplies of fruit out of the valley through November.

California stone fruit season is still going strong. Peach current varieties are Summer Flames, and there is promotable volume available. The peak size is 42/44.  Nectarines are currently available in good volume, with great varieties from here on out. The peak size is 48s and 56.  Most plum volume is in the 50/54 count range, there are quite a few good varieties out there at this time.

Cherries are wrapping up; the market is steady, look for the season to finish in the next 2 weeks.

Be prepared for a wild ride in apples!  While Washington was poised to bring in a record crop, recent hail has left shippers in a tough position.  The US Apple Crop as a whole is going to be less, but final numbers won’t be released until the end of next week.  What we do know is Michigan will only harvest 10% of normal volume and New York about 50-70%.  Washington will start up on gold varieties next week with additional varieties starting each week after.  Pink Ladies will be last in early October.

D‘Anjou pears have finished and Washington Bartletts are starting up on Monday.  There are a few Red Pears still available, we have about 2 weeks left.  By then we will have new crop Starkcrimsons.  Look for volume to build as August goes on.

Product from California and Peru shows currently aggressive pricing, with good volume available on 48s and larger. The Mexican crop is entering off-bloom crop known as "Flor Loca". This crop is projected to be higher in production than in years past. Later in the year, Mexico will then move to the start of their "new" crop Hass, which begins mid-September. Chilean Hass production is also on the horizon, with official start in September and very few early shipments to arrive within the next two weeks.

Market steady to strengthening on 88’s and smaller as we are peaking on larger fruit and this will continue going forward as most ranches left to harvest will be peaking on larger fruit as well. We expect to get through October on Valencia’s and should have a smooth transition into navels the first part of November. The overall quality is fair to good with some green and soft fruit showing up, which is normal for summer Valencia’s, especially the re-greening which occurs when we have high heat.  Roughly 75% of the crop is packing out in Fancy grade.  The interior quality is excellent with good juice content and excellent sugar.

Market steady with good supplies of fruit out of dist. 2 and also some Chilean and Mexican fruit around which will help the market ease off a bit. Expect good supplies going forward as more production from Mexico and Chile keeps coming and we will start our dist. 3 fruit around the middle of September.  The overall quality is fair to good with good color and excellent juice content.

Quality is fair with the effects of the heat and rains taking its tool.  We are seeing lighter color and some yellowing/shading is appearing.  The big concern is the impending arrival of Tropical Storm Ernesto.  While the banana growers in Central America are breathing easier, Veracruz is looking to bear the brunt of the storm late Thursday or early Friday.  We will have further information next week, but look for the market to strengthen this week regardless.

This market has hit rock bottom.  Supplies are plentiful in the Westside growing region and look to stay that way unless weather changes things.  The overall quality is excellent again and sugar levels are recovering from previous weeks.  August is traditionally the best time of the year to promote!

Market steady to strong with fair supplies out of the Westside, the overall quality is very good and demand is excellent keeping the market strong.  The crop is peaking towards larger fruit, look for jumbo 5’s to be the best priced.  The fruit eats and cuts very well with tight cavity and very clean fruit. Expect good supplies of fruit through October as well, as with Cantaloupes, this is the best time of the year to promote!

Markets are slightly off.  Demand has lessened on seedless watermelon.  Production is steady and the product is sweeter due to the hot weather!

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