Monday, November 14, 2016


The market continues to stabilize . Growers have reacted to the low prices on small fruit and have started size picking in the field; this should even out the size curve as well as the prices on small fruit.

Good supplies of 40s and smaller continue to arrive from Mexico.  32/36ct remain limited as they currently make up a small percentage of the harvest.

Ripe programs are on track, and consumers are finding ripe avocados on the shelves so this should spur movement.  There are strong Mexican avocado promotions ramping up which should also strengthen the avocado demand.  

Expect stabilizing markets and good supplies through the remainder of the November and December.  We anticipate a short gap in supply in mid-January, following no-harvest Christmas holidays.  Calavo will prepare to the best of our ability for this foreseen gap. 

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