Friday, November 9, 2012

About The Market Update

The Market Report is a weekly or monthly snapshot of the commodities that affect all of us operating in the food business. 

The reports published on East Bay Foodnews ( are compilations of many other reports but rely most heavily on the AMS at USDA Market Reports.

The largest report is the Weekly/Monthly Commodity report and runs approximately 34 pages. There is a ton of information in there covering everything from shell eggs, boxed beef, soybean oil, and much more. 

Rather than read 34 pages from cover to cover you can view the visual market snapshot on the first 8 pages. These list the category with a simple up, down, or sideways arrow. Or you can hit “Ctrl” F and type in the key word you are looking for ie Beef.

I had a couple questions about terms from the poultry section this week that I’m passing along.

Georgia Dock When looking at pricing for whole chicken wogs, predictors look towards a compilation of indices. One of the primary indicators is the Georgia Dock. Considered a small bird market quote the Georgia Dock quotes the freight on board dock value on broilers and fryers for full truck load lots of ice packed USDA Grade A sized 2-1/2 – 3 lb birds. According to the Ams (Agricultural Marketing Service) at the USDA, Broilers/Fryers are defined as young chickens less than 12 weeks.

W.O.G. Whole young poultry where the giblets and neck are not included in the bird's net weight. W.O. G. refers to With Out Giblets. They may be split, quartered, or cut into 8- or 9 pieces for the fast food/food service trade.

AMS (Agricultural Marketing Service) is one of 29 agencies within the USDA.

Quick Tip: Traveling and looking for a Farmer’s Market? Check out the Ams website at

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