Monday, July 30, 2012


All sizes coming from east coast Canada farms.
West coast Canada: only producing small size fish, 6/8 thru 12/14, with a few 14/16 in the market.
Price stable.
Alaska closed.
California Kings;
Price went up, not much fish but is still available.
Plenty of fish available.
Rock cod/ snapper fillet.
Dover fillet
Petrale fillet
Price stable.
Sword: is stable, full moon again in two weeks.
Price stable.
Mahi: Tight in market, fish is available, high priced.
Price up.
White Seabass: available from  southern California is in season, Mexico will be in season soon.
Price stable.
Alaskan Halibut is in full swing until October.
Price stable.
Scallops: closed areas 1 & 2 opened now for fishing, producing plenty U10 scallops. Bringing the price down to the lowest price so far this year
Live Lobsters: full swing, hard shells shipped to California only. Soft Shell live available but not good for air shipping. Price Stable.
PEI Mussels: full summer swing, so far no sign of spawning.
Price Stable.
BBQ Oysters: (medium is very short, plenty of small size.
Clams/Small Oysters: are stable.
Price stable.

Fresh From The Farm Produce Market Update

July 25th, 2012

Demand exceeds supply and there does not appear to be any open fields to buy. Prices will stay strong at least through next week because demand is strong. Heads are fairly firm to firm and overall the quality is good but field inspectors are seeing some occasional weak tip, very occasional mildew stain and a supplier who was experiencing chemical over spray, see photo below (this product was not packed). Our field inspectors are seeing some light weights because the packers are harvesting the fields a little early.

With the rain and extreme heat in the East and Canada, many distributors are going west to get romaine; which is causing inventory to get a little tight and increasing the markets. However, they are not as short on supply as they were last week. Romaine cross valley farms is weighting in at 36-38 pounds with several suppliers making the grade to pack our label. There is a wide range in quality and most of the lower price quotes are sub-par to say the least. Green Leaf is sluggish and Red Leaf and Boston are active. Green leaf is weighing in at 22-25 pounds. 

Many shippers still have storage crop from last year and want to move that out before the new crop comes in. They are anticipating new crops from some suppliers first of August and others the middle of the month.  The new crop looks to be average in tearms of the sizing of the potatoes and potential above average yields. Expect to see an increase in prices until the new crop is in and the markets adjust to the supplies. All the major shipping regions have new crop red potatoes available and the red market remains steady. There is a slight shortage on size A, leading to higher prices. There is a surplus of size B potatoes leading to cheaper prices. We are expective the supplies on both to balance out in the next week.  New crop white potatoes are available from several shipping regions with very stable pricing and good quality. New crop yellow potatoes will be available this week out of the Midwest.  Specialty potatoes are available out of California and Wisconsin is not far behind.  

Yellow onion prices continue to increase because of lack of product mainly from New Mexico. This is from several factor but mainly farmers are planting less so they can make more money on the crop. This year they also had issues with the extreme heat and some bad storms during the harvest which led to smaller yields, smaller size and the loss of acreage. California is having an average year but with the lack of product from New Mexico the market is tight and California just doesn’t have enough product to make up for it. Price increases are common this time of the year. Colorado is beginning this week and is produce is starting off with larger sizes. We can expect to see the market weaken in 2-3 weeks once product from Washington and Oregon are on the market. Prices of white onions are also climbing due to a shortage of quality supplies.  Jumbo whites are becoming especially tight.  Red onion prices have firmed up slightly as well. The sweet onion season out of Calif. is still going strong.  There is plenty of availability on all sizes, and the crop is still looking great!

Eastern Markets: Virginia is winding down on the first harvest and there will be a gap in supplies before the second harvest is ready which will be the middle of September. With the gap in supplies we are expecting to see price increases. North Carolina and Tennessee are harvesting product and the quality is good. Roma tomatoes continue to be limit in the east, with the main supplies coming from a few local growers and Ohio. The supplies are not expected to improve until Florida begins to harvest again in the fall.

Western Markets: California is having a lighter harvest then desired. This is the result of rains that occurred between plantings which is causing a gap in supplies and the extreme heat that occurred a few weeks ago. When tomato plants experience extreme heat there is too much stress on the plant so they “push” off their flowers so not to produce fruit. This is referred to as bloom drop. Mexico and California have good supplies on Romas and this has caused the market to drop.  California product will be abundant until end of September and Baja, Mexico will have good supplies until November. Mexico also has an abundance of grape and cherry tomatoes. There are already ample supplies on the market so we are seeing price decrease for Roma, Cherries, and grape tomatoes.

Vegetables & Value Added Produce
Western Markets: Supplies are steady from Baja Mexico, crossing into San Diego, California. The quality has been good to excellent, with most packs available. The only pack short in supply is large 60 count. The market is holding steady from previous highs as Michigan gets into steady production. The quality from Michigan is reported as good. 
Eastern Markets: Quality is good out of New Jersey and Michigan has been excellent.  North Carolina is reporting inconsistencies with the market remaining steady.

Western Markets: Demand continues to outpace supply leading to an active market with prices increasing.
Eastern Markets: Market is showing some strength. Michigan and New Jersey have just begun, and limited volume is coming out of North Carolina and Tennessee. No quality issues have come up at this point.

Western Markets: The green bell pepper market is holding steady as supplies have stabilized in the San Joaquin, California growing areas. The crop is still running very large in size, with most shippers packing Jumbo and Extra-large and very few Mediums and Large. The quality is excellent. The red bell pepper market is barely steady as supplies increase in California and demand is very light. The quality is excellent.  
Eastern Markets: Michigan and North Carolina have steady supplies available. The red bell pepper market is barely steady as supplies increase in California and demand is very light. The quality is excellent.  

Western Markets: Market is tending up for both Italian and Yellow.  Some growers are reducing production due to low markets and quality.  Weather has been an impact especially in yellow straight-neck squash.  A wide range of quality is noted and demand for yellow continues to exceed demand.
Eastern Markets: Eastern market is fairly stable moving into the fourth week of July. North Carolina and Tennessee continue to harvest. Michigan and Jersey have product  readily available as well.

The market is now active.  Larger sizing is lighter in availability and prices are climbing. Expect the market to continue to get stronger.  Light brown spotting continues to show up on arrivals across all vendors.

California carrot supplies remain good along with good sizes.  Demand is good and the market is firming. 

Salinas and Santa Maria, California are the primary shipping locations for quality product, with steady supply out of both areas. The quality out of California is good, with leafy tops and very occasional bowing being the main defects present. Sizes are peaking on 30s and smaller. The demand is fairly good due to light summer plantings and extreme weather in eastern Canada and the eastern United States. Prices are slightly lower this week.  Michigan is increasing production and taking demand off of the west coast. Michigan product has ordinary to poor quality, with bowing, thin ribs, light color, and leafy tops being the main defect.

The market is steady much like last week.  Supplies are coming out of Mexico with most suppliers.  The quality continues to have a few issues of decay upon arrival with pencil sizing having the best availability.

The market on asparagus continues to be fairly good. The demand has improved compared to last week. Supplies of Mexican-grown product are available to load in Los Angeles and Salinas, California. Prices are anticipated to gradually increase as supplies are slightly lower and demand increases



New Jersey is finished harvesting. Michigan is still harvesting but weather is expected to significantly decrease volumes. Oregon still has strong volumes still coming in but the season may still be shorter and lighter than originally forecasted.BLACKBERRIES

Georgia has completed their harvest and North Carolina will be done by first week of August. California is improving in overall volumes due to good weather but harvest volumes continue to be less than overall demand.  Region still in a demand exceeds supply due to limited east coast offerings.


California continues strong production in this region overall as the USDA report over 2 million more cases produced in the last 4 weeks of this year compared to last year industry wide.


Watsonville is still has strong production with nearly all harvest intended for fresh.  Price increases because there are lower supplies on the market but the demand is high. The product that is available is good quality with sweet flavor and a firm texture. 

Just like last week the market steady because the valley is going in good volume on all colors. The overall quality is excellent. Expect good supplies of fruit out of the valley through November.

Prices on pears and apples in general are increasing as storage crops are finishing up. Suppliers have Gala and Fuji for 3-4 weeks and then they will be out of product. Anjou pears are expected to run out of supplies in about a week. Some import are available but all in the largest sizes and not on a products. There was MAJOR hail damage throughout all of Washington last week and the damage of the crop is still being assessed.

There is more supplies on the market from CA, Mexico and Peru. Due to the abundance of fruit prices are decreasing. Overall quality is excellent: flavor is nutty and texture is creamy. California harvest is in peak season; Hass variety with an outstanding quality.

Market steady with good supplies of fruit especially on 88’s and larger, overall quality is fair to good with excellent juice and sugar content. Expect to see some green around the stem end and the blossom end.  We will have good supplies of fruit through October and then start navels around that time, there are also some Chilean and Australian navels around.

Market steady with good supplies of 115’s and larger, as we are peaking on the larger fruit. The overall quality is good with good color and very good juice content. Expect good supplies of fruit going forward as we are seeing some Chilean arrive and will continue to increase in volume which should help keep the market steady.

Market is steady but we are expecting it to increase in August.  Growers are still having issues recover from the rains and getting the product packed. Expect to see lighter colored limes, blanching and shading due to the conditions (higher temperatures and rain). 

The market is level and decreasing. There has been an increase of supplies with the new crop from Bakersfield and Westside being harvested.  Farmers are balancing fruit coming on earlier as result from extreme heat a few weeks ago and it being cooler the last week which has slowed the availability of product.  Sizing on cantaloupe seems to be running normal with a good mix of 9’s-15’s with a few 18’s. Honeydew production is on the lighter side with sizing running mostly 5’s and 6’s with few 8’s.

Demand is stronger than supply, consequently fobs are up this week.  We don’t see the market easing up this week and I doubt if next week will offer any changes. 

PINEAPPLES We are starting to see fewer products on the market and this trend will continue. Expect to see prices increase from this trend. Texas, east Florida and the west coast are very short or completely lack 5 ct and 6 ct fruit. This shortage is expected for the next 3 weeks. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cure That Salami Craving…

It starts with a high quality protein, and ends months later with a savory, seasoned slab of deliciousness…take a peek at how great salami was born and is still made by US artisans.

Tribal Roots. Curing meat has been around for more than 2,000 years, learned by the Romans from the Lucanians, an ancient tribe of southern Italy.  The word ‘salami’ from the Italian, ‘salare,’ meaning ‘to salt,’ has its roots in the way Roman Legionnaires were often paid—with salt (which is why the word ‘salary’ also stems backs to ‘salare’).  Although salt will never replace a paycheck these days, the process is still followed today by faithful practitioners of the art.

American Renaissance. “Cured meats are going through a renaissance through producers like me who are going back to the old ways -- finding good meat, preparing it simply and aging their salumi longer," says longtime chef and creator of Fra’Mani Handcrafted Salumi, Paul Bertolli. But, he cautions, “it's not easy to make salami, and it's not at all easy to make it well.” The process begins with the grinding of both lean and fatty parts of the pig, followed by seasoning.  Famed Italian artisan salami maker Christiano Creminilli uses high quality sea salt and spices such as black pepper, garlic, powder, nutmeg, sugar, chili flakes and cloves. The mixture is then stuffed into a natural casing, tied, and then fermented. The key goal is to control temperature and humidity—the salt pulls the water out and the high humidity prevents the meat from drying out too much. Bacteria and mold are also formed during fermentation. Bertolli built computer-controlled aging rooms for each state of salami’s life: gocciolamento, dripping; asciugamento, drying; and stagionatura, ripening. “But you still need a person to go in, and (for instance) see that the mold is growing faster on one side and turn the rack around,” he explains. “It's something that needs to be tended to all the time.”

Americans are devouring it with gusto, according to Specialty Foods Magazine, who reports that what has happened to cheese in this country over the past 20 years is what is happening with charcuterie now. Armandino Batali’s, father of Molto Mario, opened Seattle-based Salumi, offering hand crafted products for restaurants and delis, drawing lavish praise, such as “Hold up a piece of any one of Batali's salamis and you'll see a carnal kaleidoscope, with bits of rosy hues and solid or clear whites, a slice of careful handiwork.” Son Mario carries on the tradition at his Mozza empire in LA, with a certified salumi program, a first in the city that is now salumi-obsessed, according to the LA Times. Over on the other coast, chefs are increasingly making their own cured meat, a sideline that has become a badge of culinary honor, according to the NY Times.

Slice It Up Nice. Soft or cooked salami should be cut fine, 1-2 mm slices are best so that they almost melt in the mouth rather than being overly chewy, hard or dry aged salami should be cut thick enough to be able to stand on its edge. Serving suggestions from life in Pair similar salami from different producers, or different sausages from the same producer. Taste prosciutto di Parma side-by-side with jamon serrano. Build a range of flavors and textures. Offer some silky prosciutto or mortadella to balance the sharper, drier sausages. Pour different wines and see how they match the various meats. Use it as a topping or stuffing, or as a perfect picnic food. As an appetizer, it’s supreme, says Bertolli: “It gets the body awakened to what is to come. There are all of these wonderful aromas you get from meat that's been aged properly. It appeals to the animal in people.” Go minimal, as recommended by La Cucina Italiana: “You don’t need much more than some crusty bread and a good bottle of wine. After all, great salumi stands on its own.” 

The Deluxe Assortment. Salami is as varied as the regions of Italy, some of the major players include:

o       Finnochiona, from Tuscany, made with fennel seeds, pepper and garlic, dry aged for 3-4 months.
o       Mortadella, a large sausage of finely chopped, cured pork and beef with added cubes of white fat, spiced with garlic and anise, and air-dried.
o       Cacciatora, small enough for a hunter to carry with it on his shoulder, less than 8 inches long and 12 oz.
o       Salame di Felino, a soft, delicate sausage flavored with peppercorns, garlic and white wine.
o       Salame Milano, the most common salami, made from equal parts minced pork, fat and beef, and seasoned with pepper, garlic and white wine; deep red and speckled with grains of fat that resemble rice.
o       Salame Sardo, a fiery red salami from Sardinia with a rustic flavor and lots of red pepper.
o       Salame Napoletano, similar to the Salamo Sardo, contains both black and red pepper.
o       Soppressatta Calabrese, made from coarsely chopped meat and fat, seasoned with red wine, salt, pepper and peppercorns, then pressed under a weight.

Belly up to the Deli with a fresh, clean flavor that makes a difference!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Us Foods Chef's Line Hummus

Hummus is one of the most widely eaten and popular foods of the Middle East.  It was introduced into the United States around 1910 when large numbers of people from Easter Europe and the middle East to emigrate.

Chef's Line Hummus from US Foods is packed in a resealable tub for easy storing and reuse, our all natural hummus is produced in small batches to deliver an authentic product.

It contains no preservatives or oil extenders - just imported tahini from Jordon and ground chickpeas and authentic spices (sea salt, garlic, cumin). For more information about Chef's Line Hummus Click Here!

Or check out this fantastic recipe from the US Foods Culinary Team; Beef and Hummus Dip.

Please contact Brian Isaeff, Territory Manager US Foods at 925-588-3279.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pickled Veggies

The Produce Marketing Association Foodservice event is kicking off in Monterey today. Produce managers and customers from food distributors around the country are converging in Monterey for a tours, education, dinners, and deals.

Here is a quick article about pickling veggies using Salinas Valley's Tanimura and Antle Artisan red onions.Click Here to go to the Salinas Californian article with a recipe.

What are you canning?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What's The Biga Deal?

The Biga the Better

“Behind each and every memorable bite of proper Italian bread we’ve daintily nibbled, hungrily inhaled, or otherwise somehow consumed, we have a biga to thank. Much obliged.” Leite's Culinaria, an award winning food website

The real art of artisan breads: a fermentation starter that develops the flavor and texture and pumps up the flour.

Start at the very beginning. The use of a sour starter is a method of bread baking that goes back at least 6,000 years, since yeast had to be sustained from bread batch to bread batch. Legend has it that Columbus brought a starter with him to America, and the technique was a standard method of baking in the early days of the U.S. This is sometimes referred to in English as a 'mother' or 'sourdough' starter and in Italian as lievito di madre, madriga or pasta acida. Before beer yeast was readily available, each household made its own starter from airborne yeasts or those found in fermenting fruits such as grapes. This was kept in the fridge and ‘fed' regularly with flour and water. These starters are everlasting--some bakeries in America claim to have had their starter for over 100 years. With the advent of commercially available yeast and baking powder in the nineteenth century, the use of such starters was confined to those pioneers who moved farther and farther from settlements.

Why biga?  The availability of baker’s yeast spurred a shift away from sourdough by Italian bakers. The biga starter was created to recover the flavor which was lost and to reinforce the strength of the dough, making it ideal for products such as brioche or stolen. Made a day before the dough and left out to ferment at room temperature, biga produces a wonderful aroma, open texture, chewy crust and a slightly beery, acidic aroma inside. The risings are long and bring out the flavor of the grain, according to “Biga provides stretchy elegance and high volume to Italian breads,” says Chef Michael Kalanty of Kitchen on Fire, a Berkley-based gourmet cooking school.  In addition, breads made with biga remain fresher and longer.

What is biga?  The Bread Bakers Guild of America describes it as: “a substantial cultivation of yeasts and acids which is very firm to the touch (42-46% of water), cool (64-68 F), and made active by a dose of yeast (1%), which achieves multiplication of the yeasts, hydration and maturation of the gluten and formation of acid and aromatic substances.” Translation: a strong, active, and mature starter. 

You have to start somewhere. Since the Chefs Line™ biga formula and process is indeed a secret, there’s no better place than the biga recipe from Carol Field’s “The Italian Baker,” winner of the International Association of Culinary Professionals Award for best baking book and has been named to the James Beard Baker’s Dozen list of 13 indispensable baking books of all time.

Italian Biga Recipe by Carol Field
1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water
3/4 cup plus 4 teaspoons water, preferably bottled spring water, at room     temperature
2 1/3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

Stir the yeast into the warm water and let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes.
Stir in the remaining water and then the flour, 1 cup at a time. By hand, 3-4 minutes; with mixer, 2 minutes at lowest speed; with food processor, mix just until a sticky dough forms. Transfer the biga to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise at a cool room temperature for 6 to 24 hours (many bakers are happiest with the maximum amount of time when it truly becomes yesterday’s dough). When ready, the starter will be triple its original volume and still be wet and sticky.  If you like sour bread, allow your biga to rest for 24 to 48 hours, or you might even stretch it to 72 hours. Cover and refrigerate or freeze until ready to use. If freezing the biga, let it rest at room temperature for about 3 hours until it is bubbly and active again.

Next week, another notch…a look at some of the fresh ingredients used to raise the art of bread making to flavorful highs… sesame seeds, Moroccan black olives, whole cloves of garlic – sounds like Chefs Line™ in the making. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Seafood Market Update 7/14/2012

 The bleak European economic situation combined with sluggish U.S. demand has kept the market soft and  from all indications it should stay that way over the next several months. We will keep you updated as the market and economy shifts. The Latin binomial or scientific name for swordfish is Xiphias gladius, a reference to a sword wielding gladiator.

There is now resistance to the sharply higher prices seen over the past few months and demand has slowed down. However, as previously mentioned there continues to be a shortage of raw materials on the supply side continued difficulties clearing product into the U.S.  When packed in a can albacore tuna is marketed as white tuna and yellowfin, skipjack, tongoll and bigeye must be marketed as light tuna

Mahi Mahi
 Although production in Taiwan is about normal FDA scrutiny has resulted in a lot of problems clearing product into the U.S. Inventory levels are adequate and prices steady with production in South America is still several months away. As in every year there is currently a conservation moratorium on mahi fishing in Ecuador putting further pressure on the fresh markets.

Chilean Seabass
 Seabass movement continues to be slow despite lower prices, as usual we'll keep you updated with the latest market info if anything else changes. Again demand for this species seems to be suffering from high prices and political incorrectness surrounding sustainability issues.

 The daily catch average has begun to creep up but still isn't getting ahead of mediocre demand. Prices remain high and staying fairly level . The catch as of the 5th of July at 11,024,953 lbs. in Alaska which is around 46% of the total quota of 24,003,027 lbs. Halibut, used to be called Haly-butte, which meant, flatfish to be eaten on holy days.

Next big season will be in September keeping prices firm on adequate supplies of smaller sizes and tightening supplies of larger sized fillets. Given the current economic situation in Europe there is a great deal of speculation concerning demand for new season fish. Talk about fertile; a Pacific Cod can produce up to 5.7 million eggs each year!

 The Bering Sea season is ongoing with product just now starting to hit Seattle. There has been good demand on adequate supply with pricing staying firm. We see no real change in the short term and will update if this changes. Pollock feed on krill, zooplankton and other crustaceans but as they age they have shown habits of cannibalism. 

Pacific Ocean Perch
 New quota's for 2012 are in and they are slightly higher in the Gulf than last year, by approximately 20%. Through the 4th of July there has been 42% of the quota caught. Did you know Northern Rockfish can reach an age of 70 years?

Flounder - Sole
 The harvest of yellowfin sole increased significantly as the boats gained access to the areas previously blocked by ice.  The YTD harvest is now nearly on par with last year. However as now we are in the middle of summer, the catch rates will decline as the fish disperse and the boats are often targeting other species like cod and arrowtooth flounder. Good supplies of small fillets coupled with weak global demand will keep prices steady through the rest of the year.  The supply of larger fillets, while never abundant, will be lower in the second half of 2102.

Keta (Chum) Salmon
Keta fisheries are now in full swing throughout Alaska  and the catch rates are tracking the pre-season forecasts so far. H&G Chum are being offered to China this year are at prices 10-15% lower than last year.  Demand from the China processors is not very strong given that many of them have significant carryover inventory from the 2011 season. Domestically produced fillets should see a similar decline.

Sockeye Salmon
 New season forecast is out for 2012 with a projection of 38,371,000 fish, which is a decrease from the actual preliminary 2011 harvest of 40,024,000 fish Catch through the 4th of July in Bristol Bay is 9,375,862 fish, which is about on target for projection. Latest reports indicate that Bristol Bay sockeye landings have slowed considerably. A fish by any other name would still smell like money... sockeye are also called reds, or blueback salmon.

Coho Salmon 
New season forecast is in for 2012, the projection is for 4,327,000 fish compared to a preliminary actual harvest of 3,444,000 fish in 2011. Catch as of the 6th of July is 28,000 fish. Did you know adult coho in saltwater are bright silver with small black spots on the back and the upper part of the tail, they are also commonly called silver salmon?
Atlantic Salmon
The outlook on Atlantic Salmon is looking good now and the market is improving in terms of price levels and supply. The ample supply of farmed fish also seems to be exerting downward pricing pressure on wild salmon species. Although they are called Atlantic salmon the majority of farmed salmon imported into the United States are raised in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile.

Pink Salmon
Directed pink salmon fishing has only just begun in a limited number of areas in Alaska and it is too soon to make any predictions on the size of the run.  As this is an 'even year', the harvest should be lower than last year, but pink salmon runs are notoriously volatile.  Typically the harvests in even years are less than odd numbered years. Catch through the 6th of July is 428,000 fish.

Prices still soft despite continued information regarding supply which is related to the financial problems with Vietnamese farms and processing plants.  In order for this industry to continue to flourish  a turnaround in prices will be necessary within the year.

King Crab 
The king crab market appears to be in a stalemate. While  U.S. demand for king crab continues to be weak with prices trending lower there is a serious disconnect between replacement costs that are higher than current market returns.  Colorful king crabs; there are 3 primary king crab species sold in the United States red (Paralithodes camtschaticus), blue (Paralithodes platypus) and brown which can also legally be called golden (Lithodes aequispinus). In years past blue king crab were often marketed under the red king crab moniker, however the FDA Seafood List makes it clear that only Paralithodes camtschaticus may be marketed as red king crab and Paralithodes platypus must be calledblue king crab or simply king crab.

Snow Crab
After two extensions the Snow crab season in Alaska is finally over, through the 2nd of July 79,942,909 lbs. of the 80,000,000+ lb quota has been caught or approximately 99.9%  of 2012 season.  Fishing in Canada has been good with 92% of the 52,491 MT Newfoundland Quota caught so far. Pricing on both origins has stabilized a bit within a fairly narrow range. Did you know that males are the only crab allowed to be harvested and can be distinguished by a thinner tail flap?

Dungeness Crab
Dungeness availability has been minimal with high pricing, the Alaskan seasons are now open but fishing effort is typically not enough to do more than take the edge off demand. Look for pricing to stay firm for the near term. Did you know Dungeness have four pairs of walking legs and a pair of claws? Dungeness typically have a purplish brown color until cooked, when they turn the orange/red color you see in whole cook or section form.

New production has started in Chile but most product is committed prior to production. According to the FDA another acceptable, although not terribly aesthetic name for langostinos are squat lobsters.

While still high, prices seem to have been easing since the March 1 opening. In recent years a weak dollar has prompted an increase in exports and higher prices in the U.S.   Again it will be interesting to see  how the economic crisis in Europe will be affecting the seafood markets here in the U.S. France has been a large export market for domestic scallops. There are currently 312 full time and 28 part time vessels plying the waters off the Eastern Seaboard and 34 allowable days at sea to fish.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Weekly Commodity Market Update Week of 7/11/2012

Cheese Market Block and Barrel -
"Cheese prices were mostly unchanged for the holiday-interrupted week. Trading activity at the CME Group was very light. The important news this week involved record
hot, humid weather across much of the country. The Midwest and East both experienced extended record high temperatures. With milk solids already decreasing, now cheese plants are anticipating reductions in volume due to the weather. Rising prices since early May have advanced cheese prices from 14-20
cents at the CME Group.  (Source: Dairy Market News Week Of July 2, 2012- July 6, 2012)."

Butter AA steady "The CME cash AA butter price held steady for most of the holiday week but firmed on Friday to settle at $1.5325. Churning schedules were enhanced at varying rates throughout the country as additional cream volumes became available due to the midweek holiday. A major storm in the Mid-Atlantic region of the East Coast caused extensive power outages that interrupted and shut down operations at numerous dairy facilities. The combination of the storm and holiday related shut downs decreased cream demand and increased cream volumes clearing to churns. Some Eastern cream was cleared to Midwestern butter operations to keep volumes moving. Overall butter demand slowed this week as retailers and food service outlets prepared for the holiday period in recent weeks. (Source: Dairy Market News Week Of July 2, 2012- July 6, 2012)."

Eggs are steady

Chicken Market
Georgia Dock steady Market has lost steam in price and was reported as steady, should see downward price trend over the next couple of weeks. Boneless Breasts have seen increases and will again increase with heavy demand and a short production week. Wings continue to experience shortages, the short production week will only make the situation worse. Thighs are holding steady.

Beef Market
Ground beef shows signs of decreasing but retail markets will attack and demand will keep prices steady. Choice Inside Top Rounds may decrease slightly while Select should hold steady. Choice and Select Lip On Ribeyes, Boneless Striploins, Top Sirloin Butts, Tri Tip, Flap Meat, and PSMO Tenderloins should begin to decline as summer grilling comes to a close.Choice and  Select Ball Tips are expected to hold steady for the forseeable future. Chuck Rolls, and Briskets are weak right now. Outside Skirts, Commodity Trim gradual increase Outside Skirts moved up slightly as demand continued to outpace supplies. The expectation is still some downward movement as we get past the holiday time period.

Pork Market Update
The pork market softened a bit, however this will be brief as pricing starts to increase on loins and ribs with demand for Labor Day. Pork Bellies are remaining high as retail is featuring bacon specials.

Seafood Market
Central and South American Shrimp steady White Shrimp: Latin American HLSO white shrimp are steady at listed levels with the exception of 16-20 count which may be discounted. Asian Blk Tigers steady 13-15 through 26-30 count HLSO black tiger shrimp remain unsettled as some off erings trend lower against lower white shrimp. Vannamei Shrimp (Asian, So Amer,Indian) steady "Asian white shrimp are about steady but with an unsettled undertone. Urner Barry 6/7/12.

Availability of Cod items has not changed much in the last few months. There has been little to no production of Cod Loins and supplies will remain short until we get into the B Season full-swing. (June Update)

Pollock steady "Alaskan Pollock B season is scheduled to begin on June 10th. Please note that 4-oz Pollock loins could remain tight due to inadequate fish size. (June Update)

Salmon Wild/Farm Raised steady The Chilean Fillet: The Chilean fillet market adjusted lower on the higher end of quotations today. Supplies range adequate to fully adequate for a quiet demand. Market participants report that supplies in the Miami spot market are readily available and some still lower off erings are noted on all sizes. Carried fish is also remains available in the spot market. Inventory positions do continue to vary greatly from seller to seller. Urner Barry 7/5/12. Chum/Keta: Fishing begins in June with a forecast for Keta landings to be similar to, or slightly higher, than last year. (June 2012). Sockeye Salmon: Sockeyes continue to trend lower; record breaking harvests are improving supply rapidly and a few still lower off erings are noted Urner Barry 7/5/12. Coho Salmon: Prices remain very firm on Coho due to the short harvest in 2011. The new fishery will begin in August. Prices are anticipated to be strong once again in 2012. (June 2012). Pink Salmon: Inventories of 2011 salmon remain in good supply. Fishing begins in July with reduced landings forecast. (June 2012)

Crab steady "Canadian Snow Crab: The market remains very steady at listed levels. Urner Barry 6/21/2012. Dungeness Crab: Supplies are adequate to barely adequate for a moderate demand. Urner Barry 7/5/12. Low inventories balance low sales volumes as buyers wait for opportunities at lower pricing, driven either by inventory blow outs or the Canadian season, which opens in June. (June 2012) King Crab: The market continues to trend lower on 12-14 and 14-17 count red king crab; supplies are fully adequate for a dull demand. With the exception of 20-24s, the golden king crab market adjusted lower on all sizes. Again supplies are fully adequate for the same quiet demand. Urner Barry 7/5/2012. Pricing is inching lower each month as slow sales, high inventory costs, and some new fishing in Russia is making holders of the crab more nxious to move on. (May 2012) AK opilio: The market continues to adjust lower on 8-up crab. 5-8s have also trended slightly lower. Ice a ecting harvesting has moved and supplies are starting to become more available. Urner Barry 3/27/12."

Scallops steady "The market continues to trade within previously listed levels, with only some exception. The quotation for Dry U10’s was lowered to refl ect increasing availability. Urner Barry 7/5/12.

Oil & Shortening MarketCorn price is rising. Soybean Oil gradual increase The soybean complex posted new highs for the move this week (all time highs in the meal) as collapsing U.S. crop condition ratings brought additional buying into the markets. The hot and dry weather pattern across much of the Midwest continued throughout this week and further declines in crop conditions are likely on Monday’s report. Soybean oil prices garnered additional support from the announcement of a 35,000 ton old crop sale of U.S. soybean oil to China. In addition, a 120,000 ton sale of U.S. old crop soybeans to China was announced today.

Fresh From The Farm Produce Market Update July 11th 2012

Industry supplies of Iceberg are normal and market has moved up a bit as demand has increased. Many suppliers are expecting this market to rise steadily throughout the week due to romaine having issues on availability. We are seeing growth cracks with many supplies. The weights on palletized lettuce are coming in around 48 pounds.  

The leaf market continues to gain strength on green leaf and especially on romaine. Supplies are expected to be light on romaine throughout the week. With Romaine we are seeing dark green hearts and a trace of yellow fringe; this is an issue with many suppliers. Supplies out of Canada and other local growing regions have had hot weather that has made for low crop yields. This has created a higher demand for California product. Romaine is weighing in at 37 pounds
Idaho potatoes – The market is mostly steady with good supply.  You will start seeing sheds drop out as many are preparing for an early new crop harvest.  The western side of the state will begin around the first of August (two weeks early) the southern side of the state will be a couple days after. Eastern Norkotahs will also be early with a reported date as early as August 6th.  With everyone starting early and at the same time it is more likely than not that we will continue to see a weak market.  
Western Markets: Colorado is now shipping a combination of Norkotahs and Centennial varieties.  Their next source potatoes will be brought in bulk out of Kansas which is projected to begin around August 9th.  Current old crop supplies are getting tighter and it would be well advised that customers give their shippers a little extra notice to get manifest filled as ordered.
Supplies are very tight in New Mexico and most sheds are packing to the lower end of the USDA #1 grade standard to generate the necessary volume.  That means divisions may start seeing their competitions jumbo counting as high as the 80’s as opposed to the CVF which will count in the 60’s.  The size profile in NM will improve around July 26th.   5 Points, CA have push their market up today on all yellows as a result of heavier demand.   Colorado onions are projected to begin around July 23rd, supplies will be light. Whites are steady to lower and the quality has been good on all colors.

Western Markets: Production in the San Joaquin Valley district in California is in full swing, with only a few shippers not online yet. Quality is excellent & volume is picking up, which is having the normal inverse reaction on price. Most of the Midwest repackers & distributors have transitioned sourcing-wise to California from the East, but the Eastern wholesalers have yet to totally make the switch. Romas are mainly coming from Mexico but the market is very tight.
Eastern Markets: Romas continue to be very short on the market. The Charleston SC deal has begun to wind down from a supply standpoint, and that should be supplanted within a few days by production in eastern North Carolina and the mountain deal in Tennessee, with the Eastern Shore of Virginia/Maryland in the on-deck circle. However, it is too early to say whether the intense heat that has gripped much of the nation will have an effect on yield in these areas.

Vegetables & Value Added Produce

Supplies are steady out of Michigan and the quality is good.  Tennessee and New Jersey also have product.

Western Markets: Reports that supply is lightening up as growing area transitions are taking place.
Eastern Markets: Georgia still has product and North Carolina picks up steam.

Western Markets: Reporting adequate supply and a soft market.
Eastern Markets: North Carolina has the majority of the Eastern Pepper. This week as Michigan still has a few weeks to go.  Product is good and there is plenty of product.

Western Markets: Picking up production on both yellow and zucchini although yellow is still short with inclement weather affecting quality. 
Eastern Markets: Readily available from many areas with some reports of scuffing due to recent rains.

Much of the same as Cabbage is sourced in the Salinas and Georgia growing areas.  Michigan and Ohio will begin production in ten days.  Supplies are good for green cabbage in all areas.  Red cabbage supplies are good for California.  Georgia is finishing seven to ten days early due to weather issues.  Red supplies are light in the east.

Market is flat, there is plenty of product, now is the time to order!  Main sizing continues to be 12 counts.  Light brown spotting is being reported, upon arrivals watch out for this.

Much the same from last week. California carrot supplies remain good. Sizing of the carrots are good with steady warm weather.

The market continues is very active.  Ruff weather in Michigan as well as other local growing areas has shifted demand to California.  Demand exceeds supply.  The option is for Salinas and Santa Maria to choose from out of California.  Escalated pricing!

Market is steady with supplies coming out of Mexico.  The quality continues good with some reports of decay upon arrival.

This market is steady to start the week. Mexico supplies still light. Demand continues to exceed supplies. Jumbo grass is the most difficult size to purchase.

The lettuce quality continues to have some issues of decay, supplies adequate.  The Romaine supplies will be extremely light throughout the week.   Broccoli supplies are better with all suppliers. The cauliflower supplies will be ample for all orders. Occasional brown spotting has been reported on this commodity.

Very good demand with good supplies is keeping the strawberry markets firm but steady. The Salinas/Watsonville growing areas are in their peak production currently which should last thru this month then we should see harvest numbers start to back off. Quality is good with a few fair lots being packed currently. Fruit size is medium running in the 16 count to 22 count range with full color fruit. Strawberries are still be harvested in Salinas/Watsonville and Santa Maria growing areas. Santa Maria has hit and miss quality depending on shipper with size being medium to small.

The market is steady with good quality fruit being harvest currently.  Look for Watsonville to have strong volume over the next week before it peaks in mid-July.

The blackberry market is very tight.  California has started, but they are still in a demand exceeds supply situation this week.  Eastern supplies continue to be tight as Georgia has peaked and North Carolina is still ramping up.  Quality is being reported as fair to good.

The California growing areas are done for the season with the Northwest growing area picking up speed. The east coast growing areas have been getting some weather on and off which has interrupted harvest in some growing areas. The main pack sizes are 6oz and larger. Quality is reported as good.

Market steady to strong and starting to transition to the central valley as Mexico and Coachella valley winding down and should be close to finished by the middle part of next week. The overall quality out of all regions is good except for some lighter color fruit crossing from Mexico on the reds. The green grapes are in very good supply and overall condition and sugar is very good. We are starting in the central valley now with some of the first flames looking very good and minimal amount of cracks which we typically run into on the first early blocks, but the fruit this year looks very strong now and hopefully will continue through the season. Expect good supplies of fruit out of the valley through November.

California peaches are now in full swing with good sizing and promotable volume. Both the nectarine and plum market remains strong as demand exceeds supplies. Apricots have good size and quality.

Bing cherries are finishing up in the San Joaquin Valley. Washington started up last week, but production is off heavily this week with rain.  Demand exceeds supply at the moment.

New York is packing light volumes of Empire, Rome, and Red Delicious apples but they will only pack for a couple more weeks. Washington Reds are peaking on 88/100’s and the higher grades. The lower grades remain limited. Golden delicious are heavy to the higher grades and size 88/100’s. Lower grade Golden’s remaining limited. Granny-Smiths are also peaking on extra fancy 88/100’s and the lower grades are limited. Galas are heavy to 88’s and smaller and the higher grades but are almost finished. Washington Fuji’s are peaking on extra fancy 72/80/88’s and they are still very short as well.

D‘Anjou pears continue to peak on the US#1 grade and are evenly spread across the size spectrum but supplies are limited especially on the fancy grade. Washington Bosc pears are finished. There are a few Red Pears still available but they are also almost finished as well. California will have new crop Bartlett Pears at the end of July.
Mexican supplies are declining weekly, with decent volume into July. California volume is good; peak size has switched to 48’s and larger, with 60ct and 70ct much lighter in supplies. California fruit has good maturity, flavor and oil content.

Market steady with good demand on most all sizes, the overall quality of the fruit is good with some re-greening and also some softness, the interior color, sugar and juice content is excellent. Expect smaller sizes to stay firm as we are peaking on 56’s and 72’s and fruit will continue to size as we progress through the summer. We will be running valencia’s through October and then start the navels, we need to keep in mind that the quality will only continue to get rougher as we progress through the summer and the trees take care of next year’s crop which is on the tree, therefore the quality suffers on the fruit we are harvesting this year.

Market strong to steady with good supplies of larger fruit and tighter supplies of the smaller fruit as we are peaking on 95’s and 115’s, expect the market to keep steady and possibly ease up as we are starting to get Chilean arrivals and will continue to see fruit arrive from Chile which will help keep the pipeline filled through the next few months along with Mexico which will start to cross next month. The overall quality is fair to good with some blocks showing some checkerboard color and some with a tinge of green as well.

Market continues to remain steady but there is the potential for things to strengthen heading into August.  Quality of the limes is fair at best due to a week of rain.  We will be seeing lighter colored limes, blanching and shading due to the conditions (higher temperatures and rain).  Dark green limes will return in mid October. 

This market is steady to weakening as we are going strong on the Westside fruit which is peaking on 12’s and 15’s. There is excellent demand and the larger fruit is a little tight and smaller fruit is available in good numbers. The overall quality is excellent again with our high heat we will experience some lower sugars, but they will bounce back by the first of next week as our weather gets back to normal. Expect good supplies of fruit through October and this is a great time to promote.

Market steady to strong with fair supplies out of the Westside, the overall quality is very good and demand is excellent keeping the market strong. The fruit eats and cuts very well with tight cavity and very clean fruit. Expect good supplies of fruit through October as well, we will start to see better volumes as our temperatures come off next week.

Markets are steady. Continues demand exceeds on seedless watermelon.  Phoenix is currently shipping but will wrap up within a week or two. Monsoonal weather will also slow down production. Other loading points have same market trends, Yuma, Southern Cal.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fresh From The Farm Produce Market Update July 4th, 2012

The lettuce market continues overall to be steady but suppliers are being reported as light and this will cause prices to increase. We are hearing different reports on quality anything from good to decay, pink ribbing and brown outer leaves, so please check the product.

The leaf market is active on green leaf and romaine. Supplies are expected to be light to moderate throughout the week. Fringe burn is being reported on leaf items so please be aware. This is an issue with many suppliers. A few suppliers are already indicating lower volumes of production on romaine starting next week so please be aware, as prices will be increasing. Romaine weights are up in the 35- 36 pound range. Green leaf supplies are getting to back to normal and quality is good.  Red Leaf supplies are good and quality good, pricing. Butter supplies are good and quality is good.

The Idaho market is flat with good supplies available on all sizes. Everyone with old crop is just looking to finish before the newer deals begin. The first new crop russets should begin out of Nebraska by sometime next week. Most shippers are still peaking on 80-count and smaller. Washington is steady but firm with light supplies available. Many Washington shippers have finished packing old-crop. The Colorado market is steady and they are still peaking on 50-80’s. Most Colorado suppliers are trying to conserve their storage product so they don’t run out before new-crop. Bakersfield, California continues to pack russets and they are peaking on 80’s and smaller. The russet quality has been excellent in all areas. Bakersfield is still packing red, gold, and white potatoes and the availability is good for all colors. California is heavier to A-size now but there is no shortage of B’s. North Carolina & Virginia have started packing reds, whites, and golds and they are both heavier to A-size. Alabama continues to pack reds.

Yellows in New Mexico are still short as many of the shippers there are still in a small gap between the winter-over’s and direct seed. The New Mexico market is strong and limited as many suppliers are not harvesting during the holiday week. California yellows are also steady on jumbos and larger and they are also short of medium yellows. Whites onions and Reds are mostly steady in both states and they have limited numbers of mediums. The quality has been good on all colors.

Western Markets: The Central District of California is now into full production.  This has put a lot of additional supplies with a good range of sizes in the pack outs available in the market place.  Their fruit is currently running big so the market continues to be inverted. The Central District is also now packing roma tomatoes.  This is helping to finally add enough supplies to the system to allow for the market to come down. The light harvest of cherry tomatoes in California is providing no relief to the short supplies of cherry tomatoes and the prices remain high.  With a new commodity now available to load in California, the demand for trucks has almost doubled.  This will be another factor that will affect the market.  As they run more and more cases they will get to a point there will not be enough trucks available to haul the loads putting pressure on the market price. Baja Mexico is harvesting a lot of grape tomatoes at this time.  This flush in supplies has pushed the market price downward for grape tomatoes. Central Mexico has started a new growing area for roma tomatoes.  These supplies along with those out of Baja have increased crossings into the United States and thus has helped with the decline in the roma market.

Eastern Markets: Quincy will continue to harvest limited supplies of 2nd picking tomatoes through next week as long as the seasonal daily rains stay off of the fruit and the heat does not get the fruit.  The harvest of these crops in Quincy are helping to provide enough small fruit in the country to take pressure off of the previous two weeks of extreme limited supplies.  Once these crops are done, everyone moves north or west for fruit to the summertime growing districts of Virginia, Tennessee and California. South Carolina is trying to get their 2nd picking fruit out of the fields, but the rain from the tropical storm is hindering these efforts.  This area, like Quincy, is almost completed.

Vegetables & Value Added Produce
Western Markets: Market is steady to slightly trending up movement is steady.
Eastern Markets: Supplies are steady out of Michigan and the quality has been excellent. Georgia is finishing up this week and North Carolina’s volumes are hit and miss. The market is a bit stronger this week with the limited supplies out of the south.

Western Markets: Market is active and trending up. Supplies continue lightening up as transitions to other growing districts take place. Light supplies on large fruit.
Eastern Markets: Supplies are good at this time, some quality issues being reported with some shippers. Expect supplies to remain sufficient into next week with some growers probably stopping do to quality issues.

Western Markets: Green bell market is settling as growers are transitioning from Coachella to Bakers field and other northern districts. Adequate supplies on all green bells. Colored bell continue unsettled and trending up. Demand exceeds on red bell pepper and Gold bells are extreme demand exceeds. Upcoming transition to other districts expected first, second week of July.
Eastern Markets: GA continues to finish up. May shippers have finished up this week after several days of very heavy rains. NC shippers have the majority of the pepper volume this week as Michigan is still a week or two away.
Western Markets: Market steady on both Italian and Yellow; production is picking up. Yellow squash has wide range of quality, and demand exceeds supplies but this is slowly improving. Italian squash is steady and production is picking up in the next week or so. Windy and inclement weather continues to affect yellow squash quality and production.
Eastern Markets: Georgia has pulled the plug on squash and Michigan is into heavy volume this week. With demand being off due to the holiday, this market should remain at the lower levels throughout the week.

The broccoli market has been eased considerably since last week on crowns and bunch. Production had been down this moth but supplies have improved and pricing has reacted downward accordingly.    Supplies are definitely better on bunched product as well as crowns.
Cabbage is sourced in the Salinas and Georgia growing areas.  Michigan and Ohio will begin production in ten days.  Supplies are good for green cabbage in all areas.  Red cabbage supplies are good for California.  Georgia is finishing seven to ten days early due to weather issues.  Red supplies are light in the east.  Quality is good in all areas.
Not much movement in the cauliflower market as of late, this market is steady. Supplies are stronger due to a lack of demand in the market. The main sizing continues to be twelve counts. Demand like the previous week has begun light to begin the week. Light brown spotting is being seen upon arrivals, so please be aware. Most shippers continue to deal with this issue. Expect browning sporadically to be seen throughout the week.

California carrot supplies remain good. Sizing of the carrots are good with steady warm weather.

The market continues to creep upward. With the absence of Oxnard, supplies have tightened up considerably. Smaller sizing commands a higher price. Salinas’ production is light to moderate, and Santa Maria is also in production. The option for Salinas and Santa Maria are the two regions to choose from when loading.

There is no change with this commodity. Supplies that are coming out of Mexico with most suppliers are good. The quality continues to have a few issues with decay upon arrival.

This market is steady to start the week. Supplies out of Mexico are on the light to moderate side. Peruvian product will be light throughout the week. There continues to be no 28 pound cases being packed by any supplier, only eleven pounders. Demand continues to exceed supplies. Jumbo grass is the most difficult size to purchase.
The cool weather in the Strawberry growing areas this last week and with added demand for the July 4th holiday has tighten up supplies and firmed the market. Quality is still being reported as good out of the Salinas/ Watsonville growing areas with medium size fruit. Watsonville is still 2 full weeks away from peaking.  Santa Maria has hit and miss quality depending on shipper with size being medium to small.

The market is steady with good quality fruit being harvest currently.  Look for Watsonville to have strong volume over the next 1-2 weeks with a peak in mid-July.

The blackberry market is very tight.  California has started, but they are in a demand exceeds supply situation this week with the holiday.  Eastern supplies have reached the low-point caused by the hail and Tropical Storm Debbie.  Quality is being reported as fair to good.

Blueberries are being harvested in California, North Carolina, South Georgia and New Jersey currently. The California growing area is wrapping up for the season with the Northwest growing areas struggling to start up due to all of the rain last week. We have seen a firming of the market that will continue over the next week or so till the NW gets cleaned up. The east coast growing areas have been getting some weather on and off which has interrupted harvest in some growing areas. The main pack sizes are 6oz and larger. Quality is reported as good.

Market steady to strong and starting to transition to the central valley as Mexico and Coachella valley winding down and should be close to finished by the middle part of next week. The overall quality out of all regions is good except for some lighter color fruit crossing from Mexico on the reds. The green grapes are in very good supply and overall condition and sugar is very good. We are starting in the central valley now with some of the first flames looking very good and minimal amount of cracks which we typically run into on the first early blocks, but the fruit this year looks very strong now and hopefully will continue through ht season. Expect good supplies of fruit out of the valley through November.

California peaches are now in full swing with good sizing and promotable volume. Both the nectarine and plum market remains strong as demand exceeds supplies. Apricots have good size and quality.

Bing cherries are finishing up in the San Joaquin Valley. Washington started up last week, but production is off heavily this week with rain.  Demand exceeds supply at the moment.

New York is packing light volumes of Empire, Rome, and Red Delicious apples but they will only pack for a couple more weeks. Washington Reds are peaking on 88/100’s and the higher grades. The lower grades remain limited. Golden delicious are heavy to the higher grades and size 88/100’s. Lower grade Golden’s remaining limited. Granny-Smiths are also peaking on extra fancy 88/100’s and the lower grades are limited. Galas are heavy to 88’s and smaller and the higher grades but are almost finished. Washington Fuji’s are peaking on extra fancy 72/80/88’s and they are still very short as well.

D‘Anjou pears continue to peak on the US#1 grade and are evenly spread across the size spectrum but supplies are limited especially on the fancy grade. Washington Bosc pears are finished. There are a few Red Pears still available but they are also almost finished as well. California will have new crop Bartlett Pears at the end of July.
Mexican supplies are declining weekly, with decent volume into July. California volume is good; peaking on 60ct. California fruit has good maturity, flavor and oil content.

Market steady with good demand on most all sizes, the overall quality of the fruit is good with some re-greening and also some softness, the interior color, sugar and juice content is excellent. Expect smaller sizes to stay firm as we are peaking on 56’s and 72’s and fruit will continue to size as we progress through the summer. We will be running valencia’s through October and then start the navels, we need to keep in mind that the quality will only continue to get rougher as we progress through the summer and the trees take care of next year’s crop which is on the tree, therefore the quality suffers on the fruit we are harvesting this year.

Market strong to steady with good supplies of larger fruit and tighter supplies of the smaller fruit as we are peaking on 95’s and 115’s, expect the market to keep steady and possibly ease up as we are starting to get Chilean arrivals and will continue to see fruit arrive from Chile which will help keep the pipeline filled through the next few months along with Mexico which will start to cross next month. The overall quality is fair to good with some blocks showing some checkerboard color and some with a tinge of green as well.

Market has stabilized over the last two or so weeks.  Pricing should remain as is for about the next week or so.
Quality of the limes has been good over the last few weeks, but as the temperature starts to rise to the 90's to 100, we will start to see the stress on the tree take its toll on the fruit.  We should expect to see more skin breakdown, lighter color and leaf shading.  We have seen some rain issues this week and should continue to see as the rains continue. 
Market is good with Arizona and the Westside going now, we are just getting started on the Westside fruit and overall quality and condition looks very good. The color on the fruit is much better than you have been seeing out of the desert and Arizona. The interior color out of both regions is very good and sugars are excellent as well. Look for good supplies of fruit out of central California through mid October barring any weather issues.

The market steady with supplies also coming out of Arizona and the central valley. The overall quality is very good with mostly a green to cream cast and excellent color and sugar out of both areas. Expect better supplies out of the central valley going forward and expect good supplies from this area through mid October as well. Now is the time to start promoting melons as we ramp up on both varieties in the central valley.

Markets are steady. Continues demand exceeds on seedless watermelon.  Nogales is all but finished up on w/melons.  Phoenix is shipping in good volume with their 4th of July commitments filled, but look for monsoonal weather to possibly hamper harvest the rest of the week.  Product out of the East is very tight due to the same weather issues that are impacting berries.